Based on the manga "Daisuki!! Yuzu no Kosodate Nikki (I Love You! Yuzu's Parenting Diary)" by Mizuho Aimoto, this Japanese TV drama focuses on a woman named Yuzu Fukuhara, who, despite her adult age, has a condition that affects her mental age. After her boyfriend dies saving a child from being hit by a vehicle, Yuzu finds out that she is pregnant with his child. Despite her condition, she shows determination to be a mother and eventually has a daughter named Himawari. The show focuses on Yuzu and her family as Yuzu goes against the odds regarding her mental condition so she can be a good mother to Himawari.
- Жанр: Drama
- Студия: TBS
- Ключевое слово: motherhood, intellectual disability
- В ролях: Karina, Mao Sasaki, Kayoko Kishimoto, Yuta Hiraoka, Saki Fukuda, Mahiru Konno