The drama revolves around two sisters, Sheedan and Sajida. Sheedan is married to Majid. While, Sajida is a widowed wife of Parvez, friend of Imtiaz. Sheedan, a eldest sister, has a daughter, Meeran and a son. Sajida has a daughter, Zebo. Imtiaz proposes Sajida but she ignores. She asks from Sheedan and many others but all say positive. She marries him.
- Жанр: Crime, Drama, Family
- Студия: Hum TV
- Ключевое слово: romance, childhood sexual abuse
- В ролях: Samiya Mumtaz, Bushra Ansari, Ahsan Khan, Urwa Hocane, Farhan Saeed, Maryam Fatima