Welcome to New York
Welcome to New York is a television sitcom that aired on CBS. The show starred Jim Gaffigan, who played a weatherman from Fort Wayne, Indiana, who then moved to New York and worked as a meteorologist for fictional morning news show called "AM New York". Christine Baranski played Marsha Bickner, the larger-than-life, tightly-wound producer of "AM New York" who hired Jim, but tends to forget the details about his life - like where he moved from. The show premiered October 11, 2000 and aired until January 17, 2001. CBS canceled the show due to low ratings.
- Жанр: Comedy
- Студия: CBS
- Ключевое слово: new york city, meteorologist, sitcom
- В ролях: Christine Baranski, Jim Gaffigan, Anthony DeSando, Mary Birdsong, Sara Gilbert, Rocky Carroll