Embark on a journey of discovery in Madagascar with Alexandre and Sonia Poussin, Philaé, 10 years old, and Ulysse, 7 years old, along with their quirky cart pulled by zebu. Their mission was multi-faceted: to produce a documentary series, raise funds for NGOs encountered along the way, open their children's eyes to the beauty but also the fragility of the island's endemic nature, and finally to live a life of long-term, joyful simplicity. Challenges of crossing, encounters, and lessons learned will always be present in this slow-paced alternative learning journey.
- Жанр: документальный
- Студия: Gedeon Programmes
- Ключевое слово: colonialism, neo-colonialism, white savior
- В ролях: Sonia Poussin, Alexandre Poussin, Philaé Poussin, Ulysse Poussin