Triumph in the Skies - Season 1 Episode 11
Just after BELLE’s wedding, SAM finds that there has been some misunderstanding between himself and BELLE. However, he has realized it too late. VINCENT meets MIMI again, from whom he knows that there is some misunderstanding between BELLE and SAM, which made them end their relationship. VINCENT thinks it is all his fault and regrets what he has done. After a long long struggle with his conscience, VINCENT decides to reveal the truth to BELLE so that she can make a choice again. BELLE has lost SAM and she does not want to hurt VINCENT. She has finally chosen VINCENT. ZOE has been on holiday for quite some time, leaving much of her work undone. RUBY needs ZOE to finish everything the day she returns to work. PAUL wants to help ZOE and asks RUBY to give her some more time. PAUL gives RUBY a lift and RUBY breaks out in a rash after sitting in his car for only a short time. RUBY is therefore absent from work……
- Genre: Drama
- Studio: TVB Jade
- Keyword: inspirational, emotional, modern drama, anniversary drama
- Cast: Francis Ng Chun-Yu, Julian Cheung Chi-Lam, Myolie Wu, Fala Chen, Ron Ng Cheuk-Hai, Ma Kwok-Ming