Kamen Rider Outsiders
Kamen Rider Outsiders is a TTFC-exclusive series serving as a crossover between various Kamen Rider series. Immediately following the abrupt ending of Kamen Rider Genms -Smart Brain and the 1000% Crisis-, multiple Kamen Riders fight against the villainous schemes of a returning Foundation X and Zein.
- Genre: Action & Adventure, Drama, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
- Studio: Toei Tokusatsu Fan Club
- Keyword: secret organization, belt, sequel, superhero, miniseries, spin off, super power, superhero teamup, web series, crossover, power suit, kamen rider
- Cast: Tetsuya Iwanaga, Nachi Sakuragi, Myra Meadows, Show Hayami, Shuya Sunagawa, Eiji Togashi