Kamen Rider Black Sun
The year is 2022. It is an era of chaos, half a century after the government announced the coexistence of humans and kaijins. Aoi Izumi, a young human rights activist calling for the elimination of discrimination, meets a man named Kotaro Minami, the one called "Black Sun," who is a candidate for the next Creation King.
- Genre: Action & Adventure, Drama, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
- Studio: Prime Video
- Keyword: cyborg, monster, race politics, secret organization, superhero, miniseries, based on manga, super power, reboot, masked superhero, discrimination, death of hero, human experiment, scientific experiment, genetic experiment, based on tv series, secret experiment, henshin heroes, evil to good, friends to enemies, tokusatsu
- Cast: Hidetoshi Nishijima, Tomoya Nakamura, Aoi Nakamura, Kokoro Hirasawa, Takahiro Miura, Yoh Yoshida