REVOLTING is a feature film comedy about a prolific playwright struggling to write a sequel to his one and only hit, but his characters revolt and won't let him. Jeff is a playwright who made his name years ago with the smash comedy 'The Madcap Murderesses.' Since then, he has channeled his efforts into more serious theater, producing a steady stream of critically-acclaimed flops. Now the theater that premiered 'Madcap Murderesses' is in financial straits, and asks Jeff to write a sequel to his original hit. Jeff reluctantly agrees, not knowing that the characters he created will soon take on a life of their own...
- Genre: Comedy, Drama
- Studio: Roselawn Productions
- Keyword:
- Cast: William Kephart, Julia Megan Sullivan, Sharon Tipsword, Eric W. Sizemore, Leslie Boedicker, Jamie I. DeVore